You are hereby invited to the Stacken spring meeting 2018, Thursday, February 22, at 19:30 at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in a room close to the stacken club room.
Please make sure you have paid your membership fees (unless of course you are a student member of the student union, or a honorary member of Stacken). If we have received it on time (before the meeting) you are eligible to vote. For student members of the student union, the Stacken membership is free, please bring your proof of membership.
The regular fee is currently 118 SEK and payable to PG 433 01 15-9, Stacken Computer Club. Don't forget to include your name and username (for everybody, if you pay for more than one person). Any questions can be adressed to [email protected].
If you are one of those who temporarily terminated your membership, waiting for the opportunity to become a supporting member of the Stacken Computer Club, now is the time to end this wait. Reply to this letter and write that you want to become a support member.
Board of Stacken Computer Club, Olof Sjödin.